Flashforge Adventurer 4 Pro First Impressions!

Recently I got my hands on Flashforge’s latest printer the Adventurer 4 Pro, which is a revamped and upgraded version of their highly popular Adventurer 4. At first I was super excited as I knew that the Adventurer 4 produced some great quality prints and this new version boosted its speed by 200% and swapped out the magnetic build plate for a magnetic smooth pei plate.

However after printing a Benchy and taking a close look at the print, I have to say for a printer that is supposed to be an upgraded version of the Adventurer 4…….. I wasn’t impressed.

Adventurer 4 Pro First Benchy

Now this may be influenced by the fact that I have a Bambu Lab X1 Carbon that can pump out one of these bad boys with great quality in 17 minutes however, I do have a Benchy printed on the original Adventurer 4 and I have to say it looks so much better!

Adventurer 4 Benchy

So I spent a couple of hours test printing multiple Benchy’s with different settings hoping that I might be able to solve the issue however, after 12 Benchy’s nothing I tried was working.

4 Benchy's

I reached out to Flashforge support for some help on the matter and they sent me a couple of test prints that they had sliced themselves to print however, I was still having the same issue. They then asked me to send through my .gx file for the Benchy so that they could print it themselves and within an hour or two they got back to me stating that they were also having the same issue that I was. Which I found quite interesting and a little worrying as this printer is not a demo unit and is currently available for purchase!

Anyways after a few emails back and fourth, Flashforge support sent me through a beta version of FlashPrint as well as some new printing profiles for the high speed nozzle, and I'll tell you what, what happened next blew my mind…… It worked!

Adventurer 4 Pro Benchy Fixed

An almost perfect Benchy printed in 38 minutes using their new High Speed PLA and high speed nozzle. Now this is what I was expecting from this machine when I heard that they were releasing a new upgraded version of the Adventurer 4.

So to wrap everything up essentially at the moment Flashforge is still working on a new version of FlashPrint that supports both the new high speed nozzle and high speed PLA. The current slicing profile for the Adventurer 4 Pro in v5.6.1 is not working correctly and I have sent through an email to Flashforge support with some images of the Benchy’s I printed as well as my findings, so hopefully they get onto that asap and fix the profile.

For any of you that have already purchased an Adventurer 4 Pro and are having the same issues that I had, you can find the new Speed and Quality profiles that I was sent from Flashforge here which you can import into FlashPrint v5.6.1 and use. (yep that's right I already tested it for you and it works).


Flashforge's New Bambu Lab Clones!! (Adventurer 5M & 5M Pro)


TinkerCad to FlashPrint (How to Design & Print a 3D Model)